Tech Entrepreneurs Create Alcohol App

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Tech Entrepreneurs are Sipping @ Success!


With the World Wide Web interlocking our paths, it is no longer JUST “who” you know but rather what you do to cultivate those opportunities. It’s also about the knowledge you gain and ultimately give back to the communities that cultivated you.

When Sheena Allen’s path was not only crossed but venerated by Amanda Spann’s team, “her”-story was made! Two charming young black professionals sipped their way into a business relationship over cocktails and crafty bartender creations. Spann pitched a vision. Allen saw that vision’s distance. Behold, the Alchomy® App was born!

As a former Bartender myself, sometimes while dining out or bar hopping my way through Friday’s Happy Hour, I can’t decide what type of drink I have a taste for. Sometimes your usual drink order just won’t hit the spot. We’ve all been there.

Just when your favorite Belgian Ale isn’t doing it for you after a long day and you’re on your decidedly LAST blind date, this awesome bartender made you this little taste of heaven that became the only positive thing you remember about that not-so-interesting’ date.

IMAGINE sharing this discovery…the dive bar, the mixologist and, of course, the drink…with an entire community of likeminded tipsy enthusiasts. Female pioneers Sheena Allen and Amanda Spann certainly imagined it!

The meeting of such already influential young professionals lends a much needed hand to the empowerment of our youth and seasoned entrepreneurs alike.brandy

Spann, a Florida State University and Georgetown University alum, extends her rich public relations background to the development and subsequent success of all her endeavors; in particular, the Alchomy App. As a marketing guru and already established founder, her reach is so wide-ranging that her company is devoted to assisting less privileged entrepreneurs across the globe. Much like the focal points of both corporate and political America, she divides her efforts to encompass both foreign and domestic betterment.

In establishing the enterprise Blerdology, Spann sought to increase the black tech culture with support found only in a community setting. Her extensive accomplishments in the media and technology fields are deeply rooted in a conscious position on social impact.


Up founder’s creek, Allen was busy turning an ordinary grocery run into a multi-million follower application network!

The University of Southern Mississippi alum is the acclaimed founder and CEO of the exponentially growing Sheena Allen Apps and InstaFunds. You won’t often find an overabundance of successfully operated business ventures stemming from one young African American entrepreneur. The diversity she brings her market is secondhand to none with her young age, beautifully displayed urban identity and empowering female status.

Featured in countless print and panel discussions, Forbes and BlackEnterprise to name a few, Allen devotes her wisdom to the motivation and value found in using knowledge and personal experience to achieve greatness.

When WHAT YOU KNOW invites WHO YOU KNOW to events like a Happy Hour that EVERYONE KNOWS, the Allens and Spanns of the world meet and create sweet, sweet music!

Their ingenious app allows the spirited Spirits drinker to gain insight into the community surrounding him or her.

From its inception to its development, Alchomy App stems from a shared obsession with pushing the limits of the American Dream. Acting as a drink discovery community for sharing, saving and recommending adult beverages, Alchomy App provides the very synergy and sense of community that its creators represent themselves.

Two women, one commonality; determination.

Determined to keep moving forward when faced with the decisions and follow-through actions that many of us shy away from, Allen and Spann continue to diffuse the idea that there is only one path a person can follow.

Collectively, the fierce female founders have discovered that collaboration comes natural to the persistent and empowered virtuoso. Still travelling on their respective paths, coming together on the alcohol app demonstrates aggressive workmanship and commitment.

You don’t see too many African American women making a name for themselves in the tech industry but these two have jumped the hurdles, both internal and external to come out in front. The tech force is strong within them!

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Ora-Monet is a Writer & Marketing professional with a passion for effective communication. Sharp, versatile and efficient go hand in hand with her ebullience, diligence and eclectic demeanor.
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