Creating a Social Media Calendar

Integral Intervals

How many posts is too many posts when creating a Social Media calendar? Or too few posts? The answer is based on WHY you are using social networking in the first place. It is without a doubt necessary in today’s global exchange but what are your particular intentions?  The main reason to even set up the indispensable calendar is effective organization and time management. More specifically, your time, content flow and consistency of relevant presence.

Sharing your content, and the relative content of your market Infuencers, is an integral part of any successful market strategy equation. The same way your organic networking efforts adhere to a social calendar, so should your social media networking endeavors.


Here are a few key elements to remember when making your Social Media Calendar!


  • OBJECTIVES for the account
    • Why this platform (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram…)?
    • What do you want readers, visitors & consumers to take away from ‘following’ your account?
    • Know the ins and outs of your macro & micro conversions


  • Demographics of TARGET AUDIENCE
    • Who is your audience?
    • Age, geographic location, cultural distinctions, economic conditions & any other population specifics affecting the behavior of targeted followers
    • The right hashtag can open reach exponentially


  • REAL TIME of pertinent content
    • How relevant is whatever you’re posting?
    • The timing of In The Know content updating increases your influencing potential and market leverage
    • Active engagement & consistent responsiveness leads to valuable follower commitment


  • Posting FREQUENCY and account cultivation
    • How often will you publish a post?
    • Naturally, the more the merrier for posts and admins updating the account
    • Assigning interval posts in advance ensures regular account activity but when juicy bits of current events and other relative materials arise, touch on those at any time for mass appeal and maximized outreach


In theory, any business event or social setting can be capitalized on with compelling networking. Whether you’re hosting or merely in attendance, everyone loves a good schmoozing! The same theory applies to social media. Let the sharing of articles, videos, infographics and other media content showcase your own influence potential and increase your brand equity.

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Author with 27 posts
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Content Manager | Copywriter | SEO Specialist | Digital Marketing Enthusiast

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Ora-Monet is a Writer & Marketing professional with a passion for effective communication. Sharp, versatile and efficient go hand in hand with her ebullience, diligence and eclectic demeanor.
Let's just say she's got moxie!